MapView 概述
MapView是ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android的核心组件,通过MapView可以呈现地图服务的数据,并且在MapView中定义了丰富的属性、方法和事件,用户通过MapView可以操作设备的触摸屏,默认MapView可以响应用户的各类手势的操作,GIS的开发中,什么时候都少不了地图操作。MapView是Android中ViewGroup的子类,也是ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android中的地图容器,与很多ArcGIS API中的Map、MapControl类作用是一样的。
MapView 功能介绍
MapView 的强大不仅仅是因为它是呈现地图数据的容器,MapView 为提供丰富的功能,下面来分析 MapView 为提供哪些功能。
首先,MapView 具有呈现地图能力,MapView 可以添加一个或多个图层,图层又分很多种,如:切片图层、动态图层、本地图层等等;图层只有添加到 MapView 容器中才能进行显示。
其次,通过 MapView 可以设置地图的显示范围、是否允许被旋转、地图背景、地图的最大/最小分辨率及其指定当前显示的分辨率/比例尺。
最后,MapView 提供了丰富的手势监听接口,通过这些监听器,可以监听各种手势动作,如点击、双击、移动或长按等操作。
MapView 的使用
MapView 的添加方式
有两种方式可以将 MapView 添加到应用当中:一个是 XML 方式,另一个是硬编码方式;一般多采用 XML 方式,方便调整布局及其属性相关设置。
< xmlns:android=""
//ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer class is used to define the Layer that is added to the
//MapView object.
MapView mMapView = new MapView(this);
mMapView.addLayer(new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(
<!-- MapView with MapOptions settings for Topo basemap,
zoom level, and centered in Costa Mesa, CA. -->
mapoptions.ZoomLevel="13""33.666354, -117.903557"/>
// Retrieve the MapView, Basemap, ZoomLevel, and Center from XML layout
MapView mMapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
MapOptions topo = new MapOptions(MapType.TOPO, 23, -110, 9);
MapView mapView = new MapView(this, topo);
2、使用 MapOptions
MapOptions topo = new MapOptions(MapType.TOPO, 23, -110, 9);
MapView mapView = new MapView(this, topo);
MapView 的常见操作
ArcGIS forAndroid中,MapView具有很多与地图操作有关的方法,其中,与地图的比例尺、分辨率、中心点、范围有关的方法如下:
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
double | getScale() | 获得当前地图的比例尺. |
double | getMaxScale() | 获得当前地图的最大比例尺. |
double | getMinScale() | 获得当前地图的最小比例尺. |
void | setScale(double scale) | 设置当前地图的比例尺. |
void | setMaxScale(double maxScale) | 设置当前地图的最大比例尺. |
void | setMinScale(double minScale) | 设置当前地图的最小比例尺. |
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
double | getResolution() | 获得当前地图的分辨率. |
double | getMaxResolution() | 此方法在 10.2.2 以后弃用,使用 getMinScale() 替代. |
double | getMinResolution() | 此方法在 10.2.2 以后弃用,使用 getMaxScale() 替代. |
void | setResolution(double res) | 设置当前地图的分辨率. |
void | setMaxResolution(double maxResolution) | 此方法在 10.2.2 以后弃用,使用 setMinScale(double) 替代. |
void | setMinResolution(double minResolution) | 此方法在 10.2.2 以后弃用,使用 setMaxScale(double) 替代. |
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
Point | getCenter() | 获取地图中心点. |
void | centerAt(Point centerPt, boolean animated) | 设置地图中心点. |
void | centerAt(double lat, double lon, boolean animated) | 设置地图中心点. |
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
Polygon | getExtent() | 返回当前可视区域范围. |
Envelope | getMaxExtent() | 获取MapView的最大范围. |
void | setExtent(Geometry geometry) | 设置当前地图显示的空间范围. |
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
void | zoomin() | 放大地图. |
void | zoomout() | 缩小地图. |
void | zoomTo(Point centerPt, float factor) | 缩放到给定点. |
void | zoomToResolution(Point centerPt, double res) | 设定中心点,缩放到给定分辨率水平. |
void | zoomToScale(Point centerPt, double scale) | 设定中心点,缩放到指定比例尺. |
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
double | getRotationAngle() | 返回当前地图旋转角度(单位degree). |
void | setRotationAngle(double degree, Point centerPt, boolean animated) | 将地图旋转到指定的角度(单位degree),度数为正数则按逆时针方向旋转.中心点、动画可选. |
void | setRotationAngle(double degree, float pivotX, float pivotY) | 以某个点为中心旋转地图. |
void | setAllowRotationByPinch(boolean allowRotationByPinch) | 允许/取消pinch旋转. |
boolean | isAllowRotationByPinch() | 返回是否允许pinch时旋转. |
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
SpatialReference | getSpatialReference() | 返回地图的坐标系统. |
Point | toMapPoint(float screenx, float screeny) | 将屏幕坐标转换成地图坐标系下的ArcGIS geometry Point坐标. |
Point | toMapPoint(Point src) | 将屏幕坐标转换成地图坐标系下的ArcGIS geometry Point坐标. |
Point | toScreenPoint(Point src) | 将地图坐标系下的ArcGIS geometry Point坐标转换成屏幕坐标. |
- 单指双击和双指手势出来会放大到地图。
- 双指双击和捏合手势将缩小地图。
- 单指拖动和单击快速滑动手势会平移地图。
- 双击后拖动手势将允许进/出地图的缩放持续。
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
OnLongPressListener | getOnLongPressListener() | 获取地图长按事件监听. |
OnPanListener | getOnPanListener() | 获取地图平移事件监听. |
OnPinchListener | getOnPinchListener() | 获取地图捏夹事件监听. |
OnSingleTapListener | getOnSingleTapListener() | 获取地图单击事件监听. |
OnZoomListener | getOnZoomListener() | 获取缩放监听. |
void | setOnLongPressListener(OnLongPressListener onLongPressListener) | 设置地图长按事件监听. |
void | setOnPanListener(OnPanListener onPanListener) | 设置地图平移事件监听. |
void | setOnPinchListener(OnPinchListener onPinchListener) | 设置地图捏夹事件监听. |
void | setOnSingleTapListener(OnSingleTapListener onSingleTapListener) | 设置地图单击事件监听. |
void | setOnZoomListener(OnZoomListener onZoomListener) | 设置缩放监听. |
MapView 的方法
返回类型 | 方法 | 说明 |
int | addLayer(Layer layer, int index) | Adds the child Layer at the given index. |
int | addLayer(Layer layer) | Adds the child Layer. |
void | addLayers(Layer[] layerArray) | Adds the Layer array. |
void | centerAndZoom(double lat, double lon, float levelOrFactor) | If the MapView is initialized, centers the map at the given latitude and longitude and zoom the map based on the given factor. |
void | centerAt(double lat, double lon, boolean animated) | If the MapView is initialized, centers the map at the given latitude and longitude; optionally, the change is animated. |
void | centerAt(Point centerPt, boolean animated) | If the MapView is initialized, centers the map at the given point; optionally, the change is animated. |
Bitmap | createSymbolImage(Symbol symbol, Geometry geometry, int width, int height, int color) | This method was deprecated in API level . at 10.2.2 use getLegendImage(Symbol, Geometry, int, int, int) instead. |
Bitmap[] | createSymbolImages(Symbol[] symbol, Geometry[] geometry, int width, int height, int color) | This method was deprecated in API level . at 10.2.2 use getLegendImages(Symbol[], Geometry[], int, int, int) instead. |
void | enableWrapAround(boolean enable) | Enable or disable the map wrap around feature. |
ViewGroup.LayoutParams | generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs) | |
Callout | getCallout() | Returns a callout window. |
Point | getCenter() | Returns the center of the MapView as an ArcGIS geometry Point. |
Bitmap | getDrawingMapCache(float x, float y, int w, int h) | Creates a drawing cache of the map in the given screen coordinates. |
Polygon | getExtent() | Returns a polygon comprising of four corners of map in map coordinates. |
Grid | getGrid() | Returns the Grid instance of the map which allows for the type and visibility of the grid to be controlled. |
Layer | getLayer(int index) | Gets a layer at the given index. |
Layer | getLayerByID(long layerID) | Gets a layer by its ID. |
Layer | getLayerByURL(String url) | Gets a layer by its service URL. |
Layer[] | getLayers() | Returns all child Layers that are added to the MapView. |
LocationDisplayManager | getLocationDisplayManager() | Returns the LocationDisplayManager. |
Envelope | getMapBoundaryExtent() | This method was deprecated in API level . in 10.2.2, use getMaxExtent() instead |
Envelope | getMaxExtent() | Returns the max extent of the map. |
double | getMaxResolution() | This method was deprecated in API level . at 10.2.2 please use getMinScale() |
double | getMaxScale() | Returns maximum scale. |
double | getMinResolution() | This method was deprecated in API level . 10.2.2 please use getMaxScale() |
double | getMinScale() | Returns the minimum scale. |
OnLongPressListener | getOnLongPressListener() | Gets the OnLongPressListener of the MapView. |
OnPanListener | getOnPanListener() | Gets the OnPanListener of the MapView. |
OnPinchListener | getOnPinchListener() | Gets the OnPinchListener of the MapView. |
OnSingleTapListener | getOnSingleTapListener() | Gets the onSingleTapListener of the MapView. |
OnStatusChangedListener | getOnStatusChangedListener() | Gets the OnStatusChangedListener of the MapView. |
OnZoomListener | getOnZoomListener() | Gets the OnZoomListener of the MapView. |
double | getResolution() | Returns the resolution of the MapView. |
double | getRotationAngle() | Returns the current rotation angle of the map in degrees counter-clockwise. |
double | getScale() | A convenience method for obtaining the current map scale . |
SpatialReference | getSpatialReference() | Returns the spatial coordinate system being used by the MapView. |
boolean | isAllowOneFingerZoom() | Returns true if one-finger zooming is allowed. |
boolean | isAllowRotationByPinch() | Returns true if the rotation by pinch is allowed. |
boolean | isLoaded() | Returns true if the MapView is initialized. |
boolean | isRecycled() | Returns true if the MapView has been recycled. |
boolean | isShowMagnifierOnLongPress() | This method checks whether the map will show the magnifier when the user performs a tap and hold gesture on the map. |
void | onChildViewAdded(View parent, View child) | |
void | onChildViewRemoved(View parent, View child) | |
void | pause() | Pauses the map. |
void | recycle() | Releases the resources referenced by the MapView so that they can be recycled. |
void | removeAll() | Removes all child layers from the map. |
void | removeLayer(int index) | Removes a child layer at the given index. |
void | removeLayer(Layer layer) | Removes the child Layer from the parent MapView. |
void | restoreState(String state) | Restores the center and resolution, and the LocationDisplayManager state (whether it was active and whether or not to autopan) from the given state String into the MapView. |
String | retainState() | Saves the coordinates of the center of the map, the current map resolution, and the LocationDisplayManager state (whether it was active and whether or not to autopan) as a String. |
void | setAllowMagnifierToPanMap(boolean allow) | Flag to indicate if the map should pan when the magnifier gets near the edge of the map's bounds. |
void | setAllowOneFingerZoom(boolean allowOneFingerZoom) | Allows/disallows one-finger zooming. |
void | setAllowRotationByPinch(boolean allowRotationByPinch) | Allows/disallow pinch to rotate. |
void | setEsriLogoVisible(boolean visible) | Turns on or off the ESRI logo. |
void | setExtent(Geometry geometry, int padding) | Zooms the map to the given geometry, so that geometry fits within the bounds of the map with the specified padding between the geometry and edge of the map. |
void | setExtent(Geometry geometry) | Zooms the map to the given geometry so that geometry fits within the bounds of the map. |
void | setExtent(Geometry geometry, int padding, boolean animated) | Zooms the map to the given geometry, so that geometry fits within the bounds of the map with the specified padding between the geometry and edge of the map; optionally, the change is animated. |
void | setMapBackground(int bkColor, int gridColor, float gridSize, float gridLineSize) | Sets the map background with color and grid. |
boolean | setMapOptions(MapOptions options) | Switches basemap by the given options. |
void | setMaxExtent(Envelope env) | Sets the boundary extent of the map. |
void | setMaxResolution(double maxResolution) | This method was deprecated in API level . at 10.2.2 please use setMinScale(double) |
void | setMaxScale(double maxScale) | Sets the maximum scale to which the map can be zoomed in. |
void | setMinResolution(double minResolution) | This method was deprecated in API level . at 10.2.2, please use setMaxScale(double) |
void | setMinScale(double minScale) | Set the minimum scale to which the map can be zoomed out. |
void | setOnLongPressListener(OnLongPressListener onLongPressListener) | Sets the OnLongPressListener of the MapView. |
void | setOnPanListener(OnPanListener onPanListener) | Sets the OnPanListener of the MapView. |
void | setOnPinchListener(OnPinchListener onPinchListener) | Sets the onPinchListener of the MapView. |
void | setOnSingleTapListener(OnSingleTapListener onSingleTapListener) | Sets the onSingleTapListener of the MapView. |
void | setOnStatusChangedListener(OnStatusChangedListener onStatusChangedListener) | Sets the OnStatusChangedListener of the MapView. |
void | setOnZoomListener(OnZoomListener onZoomListener) | Sets the OnZoomListener of the MapView. |
void | setResolution(double res) | Sets the resolution of the MapView. |
void | setRotationAngle(double degree, Point centerPt, boolean animated) | Rotates the map to the given angle in degrees and re-centers the map at the specified map coordinates; optionally, the change is animated. |
void | setRotationAngle(double degree, boolean animated) | Rotates the map to the given angle in degrees; optionally, the change is animated. |
void | setRotationAngle(double degree) | Rotates the map to the given angle in degrees; if the specified angle is positive, rotation is counter-clockwise, if negative then rotation is clockwise. |
void | setRotationAngle(double degree, float pivotX, float pivotY) | Rotates the map to the given angle in degrees, pivoting the rotation around a given point on the screen. |
void | setScale(double scale, boolean animated) | Sets the map scale; optionally, the change is animated. |
void | setScale(double scale) | Sets the map scale. |
void | setShowMagnifierOnLongPress(boolean showMagnifier) | Sets a flag that defines whether or not the map should show the magnifier when the user performs a long press gesture on the map. |
Future |
switchBaseMap(BaseMap basemap, Portal portal, OnBaseMapSwitchListener listener) | Replaces the basemap layers of this MapView if it was created from a WebMap, otherwise just adds the new basemap layers at the bottom or top of the existing MapView layers, depending on whether they are base or reference layers. |
Point | toMapPoint(float screenx, float screeny) | A convenience method that will convert a device's screen coordinates to an ArcGIS geometry Point that has the same spatial coordinate system as the MapView's. |
Point | toMapPoint(Point src) | A convenience method that will convert a device's screen coordinates into an ArcGIS geometry Point that has the same spatial coordinate system as the MapView's. |
Point | toScreenPoint(Point src) | A convenience method that will convert an ArcGIS geometry Point from the MapView's spatial coordinate system into the device's screen coordinates. |
void | unpause() | Unpauses the map. |
void | zoomTo(Point centerPt, float factor) | If the MapView is initialized, zooms the map by a factor to the given center point. |
void | zoomToResolution(Point centerPt, double res) | Centers the map on the given point and zoom into the given resolution level. |
void | zoomToScale(Point centerPt, double scale) | Centers the map on the given point and zoom into the given scale level. |
void | zoomin() | Zooms in one level from current map resolution; the map animates to the new resolution. |
void | zoomin(boolean animated) | Zooms in one level from current map resolution; optionally, the change is animated. |
void | zoomout() | Zooms out one level from current map resolution; the map animates to the new resolution. |
void | zoomout(boolean animated) | Zooms out one level from current map resolution; optionally, the change is animated. |
1、MapView | ArcGIS Android 10.2.7 API
2、ArcGIS for Android地图控件的5大常见操作
3、《ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android开发笔记》——(9)、空间数据的容器-地图MapView - gis-luq - 博客园
4、arcgis for android 学习 - (4) 了解mapView的一些方法和事件 - 张云飞VIR - 博客园
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